Focus on Results

FOR supports clients in their business development. We carry out training and implementation processes which aim at sustained change of employees’ behavior, which leads to the improvement of business results.

For process design and implementation, we use the world-renowned methodology- The New World Kirkpatrick Model as well as modern digital tools.

Our trainings are effective because we design them based on neuroscience research, we believe in Evidence Based Training.

We are a supplier of a selected choice of one of the best digital solutions in the world. These tools support behavioral change, shape habits and allow you to manage and monitor the development process.

As the only company in Central Europe, we offer the Kirkpatrick Certification Program for professionals wanting to support business development in accordance with this method.


A new approach:
Kirkpatrick’s methodology





Find out more

We identified the issue


Did you know that as much as 90% of training budgets are spent on designing and conducting training courses?
And only 5% for implementation activities.


What’s the effect? only 15% of participants implement new skills at work.


Did you know that as many as 70% of training participants try to implement new skills at work, but soon after trainings they return to their old habits?

If this data intrigues you and you want to learn how to successfully lead to and achieve a permanent change in the behavior of up to 85% of employees – our offer is designed just for you!

What are the benefits of working with FOR

I’m from the HR department

I am
the manager

I am
the trainer

More about us

Quality label


Małopolska Region – Regional Labour Office in Kraków, within the scope of Centre for Education Quality Assurance award THE QUALITY LABEL OF THE MAŁOPOLSKA STANDARDS FOR EDUCATIONAL AND TRAINING SERVICES Nr 462/2021 for the institution: FOR GORHOVER/ŻUKROWSKA SPÓŁKA JAWNA
View certificate here.

The Quality Label was awarded on 03.03.2021 and is valid until 03.03.2024 provided that the quality of the educational and training services provided is maintained – in accordance with the Małopolska Standards for Educational and Training Services. The use of the Quality Label means that the institution meets the requirements set out in the Małopolska Standards for Educational and Training Services, and provides education and training srrvices in accordance with these requirements. The Quality Label was awarded on the basis of the results of an external audit – Audit Report No. 6/2021/OA from 25.02.2021

In the event of low quality of services, non-compliance of the institution’s activities with the requirements of MSUES, it is possible for all customers to submit information to the Centre for Education Quality Assurance in Kraków in person, by phone or by e-mail to the following address:

Others about us

Together with FOR, we have implemented the most effective solutions supporting sales results, which can be additionally measured. FOR is the source of information on the latest trends in the area of ​​training and development. We have jointly conducted a project to strengthen the implementation of post-training skills, based on adaptive learning with the use of a modern digital tool. FOR leads companies into the 21st century.

Joanna Czuchnowska

HR Director

The FOR approach guaranteed quick assimilation of knowledge by training participants and practically immediate application of new knowledge and solutions in their daily work. Focusing training programs on the business of a given organization resulted in a quick improvement of business indicators, which depended on the participants of the training.

Marek Bodynek

CEO of Arhelan

What I got from participating in the Kirkpatrick Certification Program was a different approach to working with the client and training design, as well as assessing their effectiveness. Now, when I talk to clients, I focus much more on what business result my actions are about to bring, than on what is going to happen in the training room (…). The most important things happen before and after the training – ultimately the most important thing for the client is result for the business.

Krzysztof Adamski

Sales Brain Polska trainer

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You will make better use of the training budget and achieve optimal results.

You will receive tools that will help you manage the process effeciently.

You will see concrete results of your work and you will be able to prove them.

You will strengthen your position as a valued partner for business

You will gain a partner who understands your business

With our help, you will lead to a real increase in employee effectiveness

You will have insight into the progress of your employees and you will see the impact of training on KPIs

Using Kirkpatrick’s certification:

You will stand out on the market with a business approach and knowledge of global trends

You will gain the opportunity to offer your clients real change and impact on the business

Odnajdziesz sens pracy mając dowody na skuteczność swoich działań szkoleniowych

Using digital tools

You will save time devoted to designing development processes

You will improve communication with participants

You can increase the efficiency of your activities up to 4 times